
University Final Year Project
September 2015 - May 2016

During my final year of University we had three main projects, this project revolved around technology, we had Jason Bradbury as a guest lecturer who set the brief hence the project name. He set us a project brief to design a product around a technology and scenario of our choice, this would be a high tech or low tech as we liked.

Through research into technologies and materials I came up with two ideas, the first being incorporatingLED based technologies into children's play areas to make them interactive, the second was to use Eco-friendly materials though I did not yet have a scenario, these two ideas were pitched to Jason where he thought I would be a good idea to combine them, make a interactive Eco- Friendly Kids Play area.

I considered many types of play areas and elements in play areas through reserahc, due to the incorporation of Eco-Friendly materials I thought a outside play area is easier to adapt for the material use.

A lot of research lead me to make sure the project was majority bamboo due to its versatility, a lot of other materials were considered for elements such as slides that bamboo was unsuitable for but most of them had a short life span due to biodegrading so these elements were to stay metal to keep the play area safe and give it a long lifespan.

During the Design period the play area changed and expanding, changing elements, all of designs based around a tower areas, the final design used 3 of these are main areas for elements to be built off of.

Luminous Bamboo is a play area that combines eco-friendly design with interactive design. The play area uses 3 different forms of bamboo (poles, rope, and processed bamboo wood) to create the majority of the structure with stainless steel for the sides, this helps promote the use of this extremely versatile material while providing a fun place for children to play.

The design of the play area uses many common play area elements with some unusual ones. It includes:
- Two straight slides
- One curved slide
- A ladder  
- A spiral ladder
- A rope climb  
- Fireman's pole
- Lily pad stepping stairs
- Moving bridge
- Curved Bride

The magic truly starts once the child begins to play on it, as they move into one of the three towers, the bridges, or the lily pad steps the playground comes to life, the section lights up in bright and playful colours. As the child moves away from the section they light up a new section and the old one switches off, bringing a new element into the play area.

The interactive lights work using motion sensors connected up to each of the six sections, with a 2 second delay they lights will switch off after only a short time of no activity in that area. Though this design has the lights working off mains power, powering the design with solar panels and dynamos and other sustainable power sources would be the next step in developing this design.

Luminous Bamboo - Final Design Render

An iteration of the play area with only two towers

Luminous Bamboo - First Render of Final Design

Luminous Bamboo - Side view 

Luminous Bamboo - Angled View 

Luminous Bamboo - Some Lights on