Fizzco Interiors Project

University Second Year Live Project
January 2015 - May 2015

After working with Squared Rose we partnered with Fizzco (the parent company) to design Christmas Shopping Centre Interior Decorations. We were put into groups of four or more where each person was to design decorations around a theme with the ability to consult as a group. At the end each group presented their work together with a brochure and a client presentation.

The theme I choose to design around was the twelve days of Christmas know to most families and is very recognisable by the basic imagery, this known imagery gave me a solid base to build upon. I decided my design would be the final verse of the song a count down from the twelve leading to the centre piece being the partridge in a pear tree. We were told to design for our local shopping centre in Lincoln, Waterside shopping centre a visit took place to gather pictures to base the ideas around.

Part of my design I chose to incorporate the theme of banners along with the imagery, leading to the idea of my centre piece creating the pear tree entirely out of banners which would have the entire song printed on the banners. Instead of a coverage of leaves I opted for an a more elegant and simpler option of pear blossoms. I had two different versions the first being vacuum formed flowers with objects from each day in the middle of them, the second being origami kusudama style flowers made from custom print patterns that had designs for each of the day on it.

The decorations would start at the outside of the shopping centre, the idea of being lead through the song's final verse would need to be present from each moment of the shopping experience creating a flow and immersing the shopper in the experience. The banners on the outside said "On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."

The lead up elements had "characters" or items for each day with a banner below saying the correct part of the song. as it can be seen in the pictures they would be displayed on alternative sides of the corridors.

Once all of our ideas were completed as a group we decided to create our brochure to give a homely feel, what we hope to portray though our designs. The pages were designed to match and allow us to add our own things without them seemed to change completely. To top off the homely feel we decided to bind it using Japanese book binding, hole punched and sew together by myself with the help of the sewing pattern done by my team member Elliott Kemp.

Our final pitch to the client went well but none of the ideas were chosen. 

The Beginning of the Decorations On the Entrance to Waterside

The Beginning of the Decorations On the Entrance to Waterside

Moving through Waterside leading to the centre piece counting down from Day 12

Moving through Waterside leading to the centre piece counting down from Day 12

The centre piece of the decorations in the large open centre of Waterside

The centre piece of the decorations in the large open centre of Waterside

The group brochure finished including Japanese book binding 

The group brochure finished including Japanese book binding